PLANT WNY MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Wednesday, March 6, 2024
Ewing Outdoor Supply – 5550 Genesee Street, Lancaster, NY  14086

The meeting was called to order at 6:03PM by Lou Sardo, president.
Much appreciation was given to Ewing Outdoor Supply for being our meeting host.
It was determined we had a quorum.

Roger Restorff, treasurer, presented  the financial report. It was determined by the membership that a separate Plantasia report will be presented at each meeting.

PLANT WNY By-Laws Voting –  The revised PLANT WNY By-Laws recommended by the Policies and Procedures Committee were presented at the February membership meeting and included in this meeting’s agenda packet.  Lou Sardo motioned to accept the revisions as recommended by the Policies and Procedures Committee.  The motion was seconded by Ed Dore.  The motion passed.

Committee Reports

 Audit –  Chris Zeisz stated the purpose of the audit committee is to review the business of the Association. It provides checks and balances.

 CNLP Awareness and Promotion –    Ron Callea, CNLP will be assisting with CNLP awareness and promotion.  He will be encouraging members at Plantasia to promote the CNLP program and is looking to do a tour at Silo City.  The CNLP exam is Thursday, March 7 at SUNY Niagara.

Ed Day/Trade Show –  The dates for 2025: February 6 and February 7.  Kerry Mendez is the keynote speaker.

Erie County Fair –  The Fair will  be Aug 7 through August 18.  Setup will begin week of July 19.  Steve Sypniewski is working on what our responsibilities are and will find out whether we can use our own hardscapes and plant material. Help is needed with set up, watering, and break down.

Foundation –  Since we had good number of new members in attendance, it was suggested by a member to give a little more information about the Foundation.  The Foundation was founded in 1969 by members of the association and they began investing funds.  The Foundation promotes the industry such as providing funds for Education Day and scholarships.  McKinely High School and Niagara County Community College receive funds to assist their horticulture program.  The Foundation manages the investments.  Foundation is tax exempt.  The endowment is money that is invested.  We collect interest and dividends and that money is then budgeted and used to fund as needed.

Historian –  There are currently about 20 file boxes, stored by Matt Dore, that contain files and photos. They need to be organized, sorted, and digitized.

Media Marketing –  Engagement on Facebook and Instagram is up.  Facebook increased by 68 new followers.   Tag Maria @plantwny on social media and she will share your post.  Please share info on the PLANT WNY page.  There will be a stilt walker at Plantasia through Maria’s company.  Maria will be at Plantasia Thursday and Saturday for posting and will gather photos for next year

Nominating –  Being on the board is a five-year commitment.  It is a rewarding experience.  See Steve Sypniewski if you have questions or interest.

Plantasia –  Kim Schichtel is looking for volunteers as greeters and manning the vendor door.  Jordan went over plant material, set up info, and Sunday/Monday tear down.  A landscaper appreciation party will take place Thursday evening and will include the garden awards ceremony. This party is not open to the public. Currently, we can use help with the plant distribution on Tuesday.

State Reps –  There are 300 members in NYSNLA.  We are one of the largest regions with over 90 members.   Virtual Ed Days is coming up  – go to for details.  DEC and CNLP credits are available.  A State newsletter has been emailed to members.  NYSNLA is looking for articles and they are due in April for the May issue. The NY State Fair is August.  Region 4 does the cleanup for the State Fair.  If anyone would like to assist with the State Fair, see Steve Sypniewski.  Awards are presented at the State Fair.  Nominations are due in May.  A statewide conference will take place October 20 – 22 at the Albany Capital Center.  It will include a trade show, speakers, CNLP refresher courses, and the CNLP exam.  There is a call for exhibitors and sponsors.  The NYSNLA will be doing their landscape awards.

Snow Conference  –  Phil Tripi reported that a committee has formed and will be meeting soon. The goal is to grow it.  There are already some good ideas to consider.

NCCC –  Tom Mitchell accounted a name change.  NCCC is now SUNY Niagara.  CNLP review classes took place at SUNY Niagara. The horticulture program is very appreciative of the new shed donated by Plantasia.   It was very much needed.

McKinley High School –  McKinley students are very grateful for the support from PLANT WNY.  They will be volunteering at Plantasia.

New Business

WNY PRISM workshop is taking place at Reinstein Woods  – How to Market Cleaning Up Invasive Plant Species.

Lou Sardo motioned to accept the minutes of February 1, 2024.   The motion was seconded by Kim Schichtel.  All were in favor.

Lou Sardo motioned to adjourn the meeting.  The motion was seconded by Ed Dore.  Meeting adjourned at 7:24PM.



Respectfully submitted by:  Joyce Janson