PLANT WNY MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Wednesday, July 13, 2022
Draves Arboretum – 1821 Sharrick Road, Darien, NY

The meeting was called to order at 6pm by Kristy Schmitt, president. Much appreciation was given to Tom Draves for hosting PLANT WNY.

The profit and loss statements and balance sheets were reviewed by Lou Sardo, treasurer.

Committee Reports:

Botanical Gardens – Morty Jr. is blooming!

CNLP/Awareness & Promotion – Anyone having issues contacting the state to please contact Kim Schichtel.

Ed Day/Trade Show – Ed Day is scheduled for Thursday February 2nd and Friday February 3, 2023. The trade show is a go. David Culp will be a keynote speaker.

Erie County Fair – We need more people for setup and watering. Booth is typically unmanned but that may change in the future. Email Joyce for more information or if you are interested in helping promote the industry at the Fair.

Foundation – Fall 2023 scholarship winners to be selected soon.

Golf Outing – The tournament has been renamed the George Schichtel Memorial Golf Tournament. The tournament date has been changed to 9/26. Cost approximately $120-125 per golfer. Sponsorships are needed, please contact Kim Schichtel or Joyce Janson for information.

Harvest Dinner – Date and time to be determined.

Landscape Awards – Awards ceremony will be part of the Harvest Dinner this year. The deadline for submission will be announced soon. Photograph your projects now that you are considering for nomination.

Membership –Membership is a bit lower than in previous years. Hopefully as activities resume from Covid the membership will continue to increase. If you are having issues renewing, please contact Kim Schichtel or Joyce Janson for assistance with contacting the NYSNLA. Please encourage companies to join our association, we need to grow our membership.
Questions from the floor:
Who follows up with members who didn’t renew?
Why aren’t members renewing?
Should we be circulating a survey?
Can there be an auto renew with credit card option?
Some previous members don’t feel welcomed or didn’t see the value. Covid played a part in membership decline. Chris Zeisz knows an individual willing to sponsor new members for first year if needed.

Leaf a Legacy – Special interest groups or garden clubs will be contacted.

NCCC – Enrollment is high due to cannabis courses. New heaters have been installed in the greenhouse.

Nominating Committee – Consider nominating someone to the board.

Plantasia 2023 – Plantasia will be held March 16 – 19, 2023. There is always a need for new speakers, vendors and landscapers.

Professional Development – The committee continues to think of more educational events for skill enhancement and welcomes your ideas and input.

Media/Marketing – Check out Facebook, Instagram and our website. Continue to like all social media.

State Reps – Next meeting is in August at the State Fair.

Summer Picnic – The picnic will take place August 20 at the North Forest Rod & Gun Club, $25 per person. Chiavetta’s chicken dinner will be served. Activities include pond for fishing, hiking & gun range. There is an $8 a month membership fee if you would like to shoot.

Kim Schichtel motioned to accept the minutes of March 3, 2022. Tom Mitchell seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Richard Nella motioned to adjourn the meeting. Kim Schichtel seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 6:58pm.



Minutes Submitted By: Peter Burke