Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Batavia Turf – 6465 Transit Road, Elba, NY

The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm by Kristy Schmitt, president.  Much appreciation was given to Chuck Hoover and Batavia Turf for hosting PLANT WNY.

It was determined we had a quorum.  Agenda packets with minutes were not sent in advance and because of that they will be voted on at next meeting in February.

The profit and loss statements and balance sheets were reviewed by Lou Sardo, treasurer.

Committee Reports:

Audit Committee –  Tax filing is complete.  Audit Committee will be meeting soon.

Botanical Gardens –  Joe Mannion is the new horticulture director.  Kristy Schmitt has invited him to our meeting and hopes he does attend so that everyone can meet him.   A lot going on at the Gardens; check the website to support them.

CNLP/Awareness & Promotion – Waiting to hear about CNLP review classes and CNLP exam details.

Ed Day/Trade Show –   We are looking forward to being back in person at Salvatore’s Italian Gardens February 2 – 3, 2023.   Dave Culp is keynote speaker and Richard Buckley will present in the DEC room.  We are looking for sponsors and vendors.  New members are welcome to join the committee.

Erie County Fair  –  Steve Sypniewski informed the membership that our assistance is greatly needed for the Erie County Fair setup, teardown and watering.  Lisa Kiec-Maliszewski, CNLP has been coordinating the setup and teardown at the Fair for many years and has very little assistance. Phil Tripi has been watering during the run of the Fair.  PLANT WNY does not staff a booth but puts up the PLANT WNY display in the Grange building.  Many years ago, members would be present at the Fair and hand out information.  It is a lost opportunity for us.  Maybe we do a “ask the experts” booth or show a video of the setup of Plantasia.

 Golf Outing – The September 26 was postponed due to the weather and will take place Monday, October 17 at Springville Country Club.  Sponsorships and golfers are still being accepted.

 Harvest Dinner – Location is still to be determined.  Looking at Saturday, November 12.  Landscape Awards to be awarded.

Landscape Awards –   We have funding from the Foundation.  We will be promoting the program in print ad, Instagram, email blasts and will promote the awards as a reason to join the Assocation.  There are sponsorship opportunities.  We will be printing a counter top sign and would like to have it available at our retail member firms.  Three questions will be posed to the landscapers and how the membership in the Association will address those issues they may be having.

 Membership – The NYSNLA is planning a membership promotion.  We are still having issues with NYSNLA and lack of accurate and timely membership reporting.

Plantasia 2023 –  This year’s theme is New Twist on an Old Classic.  In lieu of a Preview Night, we need to determine what we should do on Wednesday night so that we can present the awards to the landscapers and celebrate our landscapers.  We may consider having it just for the landscapers, their guests and membership.

  Media/Marketing – Check out Facebook, Instagram and our website. Continue to like all social media.

Summer Picnic –  The summer picnic was canceled due to lack of interest.  Summer picnic is a time to get together and have a fun time.  End of August is a hard time.

New Business

Election of 2023 Board of Directors

Kristy Schmitt asked for the Nominating Committee to make a motion to nominate the incoming secretary.  Phil Tripi made the motion to nominate Ryan McMillan as secretary to the 2023 PLANT WNY Board of Directors.  Roger Restorff seconded the motion.  Nominations closed after no further nominations were received. Phil presented the 2023 Slate of Officers as follows:

Steve Sypniewski  – President

Lou Sardo – Vice President

Peter Burke – Treasurer

Ryan McMillan – Secretary

Kristy Schmitt   – Director

Lou Sardo, in the absence of the secretary, cast one vote for the Slate of Officers.  All were in favor.

Kristy Schmitt asked for the Nominating Committee to make a motion to nominate a new member to the Audit Committee.    Phil Tripi made the motion to nominate Teresa Buchanan to the 2023 Audit Committee with a 3-year term. Roger Restorff seconded the motion.  Nominations closed after no further nominations were received. Phil presented the 2023 Audit Committee:

Sue Frank (term ending 2023)
Phil Tripi (term ending 2024)
Teresa Buchanan (term ending 2025)

Lou Sardo, in the absence of the secretary, cast one vote for the Slate of Officers.  All were in favor.


2023 PLANT WNY Budget

Steve Sypniewski presented his proposed 2023 budget.  The budget reflects what a budget looked like pre COVID as we are back to having all our events.  Dues income has been increased for 2023.  Steve is optimistic that with the membership promotion, through us and the NYSNLA, our membership count will increase.  We are asking the Foundation to funding that will be used for special projects like updating the membership display.


Roger Restorff motioned to accept the2023 budget as presented and it was seconded by Kim Schichtel.  A question was asked about how many members would it take to achieve the $12,000 in income for PLANT WNY.   Our regional dues are $100 which would mean 120 members.    All were in favor.

Other New Business

Joan Mariea said five people from our region attended the State CNLP day in September.  Joan said it was a wonderful place to see and the CNLP events the NYSNLA offers are worth doing.

Kim Schichtel motion to adjourn the PLANT WNY meeting and it was seconded by Teresa Buchanan.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:08pm.

WNY Nurseryman’s Association Foundation, Inc. Meeting

The Foundation meeting was called to order at 8:08pm by Teresa Buchanan, trustee.

The Foundation awarded fall scholarships to the following students:

Diana Stone – The Mary Schichtel Memorial Scholarship

State University of NY College of Environmental Science and Forest (SUNY-ESF)

William Perry Jr. – The Fred Howarth Memorial Scholarship

Niagara County Community College


James Harrison – The George O. Adams and Kenneth E. Isaac Memorial Scholarship

Niagara County Community College

Tyler Harris – The George O. Adams and Kenneth E. Isaac Memorial Scholarship

Niagara County Community College

Election of 2023 Foundation Trustees

Kim Schichtel, as Foundation trustee moved to nominate Phil Tripi to Foundation Board with a 5-year term.    Roger Restorff seconded the nomination. Nominations closed after no further nominations were received. The 2023 PLANT WNY Foundation Board slate was presented as:

Ed Dore, Trustee (term ending 2023)

Teresa Buchanan, Trustee (term ending 2024)

Kim Schichtel, Trustee (term ending 2025)

Matt Dore, Trustee (term ending 2026)

Phil Tripi, Trustee (term ending 2027)

As a Foundation trustee, Teresa Buchanan cast one vote for the slate as presented.  All were in favor.

Roger Restorff motioned to adjourn the Foundation meeting and it was seconded by Teresa Buchanan.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:20pm

Respectfully submitted by:  Joyce Janson