Thursday, March 3, 2022
Upstate Equipment – 6830 South Transit Road, Lockport, NY
The meeting was called to order at 6pm by Kristy Schmitt, president. Much appreciation was given to Upstate Equipment for hosting PLANT WNY.
The profit and loss statements and balance sheets were reviewed by Lou Sardo, treasurer.
Committee Reports:
Plantasia – Setup rules were distributed and much discussion took place regarding setup and plant material. This will be Plantasia’ s 20th show – Reflections.
Audit Committee – The committee did a 2020 audit in November of 2021. A lot of questions were asked and records were reviewed. A full report was given to the Executive Board upon completion.
Botanical Gardens – The Botanical Gardens has a new President and CEO, Mark Mortenson. Dave Swarts has recently retired.
CNLP Awareness & Promotion – Kim Schichtel reviewed the dashboard for signing into the CNLP site on the site. There is a tutorial on how to access the CNLP dashboard. The CNLP manual has been revamped. The new manual is out and you can get it online or as a document. Our region has not setup review courses or CNLP exam. Murray Brothers Hosta Farm will host a CNLP Day for region 6 this summer. State CNLP Day is September 16 at Sycamore Hill garden in Marcellus NY (region 4 host).
Education Day/Trade Show – Ed Day was cancelled due to concerns with COVID and financial reasons. The committee is now planning on February 2 and February 3, 2023 at Salvatore’s Italian Gardens with David Culp as the keynote speaker. The committee is looking for new committee members and anyone is welcome to join. We will be looking for sponsors and exhibitors to Ed Day. DEC credits will be offered at Plantasia this year on Thursday, March 17 with Tom Mitchell and Mike Nierenberg as presenters.
Foundation – George Schichtel passed away at the end of December. He was very involved in the Foundation and the Association. The Foundation is considering the possibility of naming of the golf outing after George Schichtel as he was the golf chair for many years.
Golf Outing – It is time to look for a new location for the outing in September as we were not pleased with the way our event was handled.
Membership – We are always looking for new ways to attract members. Membership information cards will be available at Plantasia. Members discussed problems and frustration they have had with renewing either on the NYSNLA site or by phone. Members were advised to email Joyce for assistance.
NCCC – Enrollment is up due to the new cannabis curriculum.
Nominating Committee – Voting will take place in October and we are always looking for nominations. Please consider serving on the board.
Professional Development – The Committee has a few ideas for professional development and will be planning on. Ideas and involvement are welcome.
Social Media – Please like our Facebook page.
State Reps – The Virtual Education Day Series just ended and will be found on the NYSNLA website. The 2021 series is already available for view. The NYSNLA has a new insurance partner – There will be a State Board meeting coming up March
Summer Picnic – In 2021 we had a family friendly summer picnic. The event was so well received that plans are underway for a summer picnic in August on a Saturday or Sunday. Currently looking at a gun club which would have a lot of room for activities.
Roger Restorff motioned to accept the minutes of October 13, 2021. Tom Mitchell seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Roger Restorff motioned to adjourn the meeting. Kim Schichtel seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 7:05 pm.