Thursday, March 2, 2023
SUNY Buffalo State College, Science and Math Complex (SAMC) 1300 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo 14222
The meeting was called to order at 6pm by Steve Sypniewski, president.
It was determined we had a quorum.
In the absence of Peter Burke, treasurer, the profit and loss statements and balance sheet for PLANT WNY and the Foundation were reviewed by Lou Sardo, Vice President.
Committee Reports
CNLP Awareness & Promotion – The CNLP exam will take place on Thursday March 9 at NCCC. CNLP review classes took place February – March.
Ed Day/Trade Show – Working on the financials from the 2023 show. We have secured the dates of Thursday, February 1 and Friday, February 2, 2024. Currently looking for a keynote speaker. Surveys were submitted from the show and the committee will review.
Erie County Fair – Valley View Nursery supplies the hardscape and the plants. Since our last meeting a few people have offered to assist with setup and watering.
Harvest Dinner– The dinner will take place on Friday, November 3 at Wurlitzer Events on Niagara Falls Blvd.
Membership – A plan is starting to come together. There are some ideas for social media. Membership info cards are available to hand out to potential members. Phil Tripi and Steve Sypniewski will contact past members.
Nominating Committee – Annual board elections will take place at the October meeting. Please consider joining our great board of directors. Talk to a nominating committee member if you are interested.
Plantasia – Much discussion took place regarding setup for Plantasia. A rough estimate of your mulch order needs to be place ahead of time. Jordan Simone gave pointers on how to use less mulch. Monday Event Center cleanup is necessary for all landscapers. Roger Restorff will reach out to Tom Draves regarding use of the chipper during tear down. Volunteers are still needed as greeters and setup. It was suggested to put a sign on door by the District 8 Federated Garden Clubs to “vendors do not use” to avoid that door being opened and wind coming into the Event Center.
Policies & Procedures – The committee is reviewing the original changes made to PLANT WNY and Plantasia’ s bylaws and policies and procedures. The committee will make further recommendations and present to the membership. The membership will be emailed the bylaws and policies and procedures with recommended updates and the membership will vote on it potentially in October.
Professional Development – Anyone looking to get involved and join a committee should consider this one. We are looking for new ideas on brining professional development to the membership.
State Reps – The NYSNLA website is working better and members are renewing online. Mike Frank recommended that we need to stay involved with the NYSNLA. The state association is only as strong as the people involved in it.
McKinley High School – Ron Callea thanked PLANT WNY for all they do for their school. The school lacks in funds for their program so assistance is greatly needed and appreciated. McKinley High School has3 large production greenhouses. We are open to having members come in and speak to the students and please contact Ron if you are interested. Several students from McKinley High School were in attendance with Ron and Julie Hughes.
NCCC – Several students are going to take the pesticide exam. Students will be helping with Plantasia.
New Business
Olmsted Parks – Brian Dold, Landscape Architect from the Buffalo Olmstead Parks conservancy, did a 5-minute presentation to the membership of a training program opportunity open to our membership to enroll their young landscape professionals. The program runs on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the months of March-October 2023. The employers will be reimbursed for the cost of labor for their employees participating in the program.”
Roger Restorff motioned to accept the minutes of February 2, 2023. Elaine Sieczkarek seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Sue Frank motioned to adjourn the meeting. Dave McIntyre seconded the motion. All were in favor. Meeting adjourned at 7:10pm
Respectfully submitted by: Joyce Janson