Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Frank Lloyd Wright’s Martin House Complex – Greatbatch Pavilion
143 Jewett Parkway, Buffalo, NY 14214
In the temporary absence of our board president, Kim Schichtel, director, called the meeting to order at 7:06.
Committee Reports
Arbor Day – Steve Sypniewski, McKinley High School, thanked PLANT WNY for the donation of the tulip tree for Arbor Day.
Botanical Gardens – Kristin Pochopin reported they are getting estimates for work to be done on two houses. Kristin also announced she recently became the full time Director of Horticulture.
CNLP/Awareness & Promotion – Kristin Pochopin stated that the State website will soon have our region available for CNLPs to record their own credits. Joan Mariea’s tour is coming up in August and is now open to non-CNLP’s. CNLP lawn signs are available.
Ed Day/Trade Show – Roger Restorff announced that Andrew Keys is the keynote speaker. The committee is looking to cut back on expenses and is considering going back to the “on your own lunch break”. A sponsor for CNLP day would be appreciated. The committee is always open to speaker suggestions.
Foundation – The Foundation held a brief meeting before our membership meeting. Dave McIntyre announced that the Foundation approved a scholarship for $1,000 to a student attending NCCC. Connie Oswald Stofko would like to announce the recipient with a photo on
The State Association is looking for assistance with funding of the NYSNLA website. The Foundation recommends the Association vote on spending $750 for NYSNLA website development; the Foundation will in turn reimburse PLANT WNY the $750. Dave McIntyre motioned that the membership of the Association approve funding $750 for the NYSNLA website. Teresa Buchanan second the motion. All in were favor.
Golf Outing –Kim Schichtel announced we are ready to begin accepting teams for golfing.
Harvest Dinner – Friday, November 18; Big Ditch, 55 East Huron St., Buffalo, NY 14203, 6pm
Landscape Awards – The website will be open shortly sostart taking those photos while the weather is beautiful.
Membership – Teresa Buchanan spoke about the membership brochure that was printed this year. It went over well at Plantasia and is available to distribute.
Leaf a Legacy – Kristin Pochopin indicated the program had some challenges this year. Chestnut Ridge Nursery donated the trees and a member firm was contracted to do the landscaping.
Nominating Committee – Roger Restorff stated they are looking for people to join the board.
Plantasia – Theme for 2017 is Plantasia Through the Ages.
Social Media/Rebranding/Marketing – Susan-Marie Fonzi informed the membership that the latest Nursery Lines magazine is now on-line and is worth taking the time to read.
State Reps – Phil Colarusso said the NYSNLA’s new website is up and running. It has a very clean and fresh look. First week of August state reps from all the regions and state board will be having a strategic planning session. August 24 is the Leadership Forum and August 25 is the NYS Fair Environmental Award and auction.
New Business
Allan Armitage books are available at a discount. Contact the office for more information.
Kristin Pochopin asked for a motion to accept the minutes of March 9, 2016 meeting. Roger Restorff motioned to approve the minutes of March 9, 2016. Elaine Sieczkarek second the motion and all were in favor.
Dave McIntyre motioned to adjourn the meeting. Jeanetta Hanlon second the motion and all were in favor